Essay on a Rainy Day in Winter for Class 12 with Quotations

The easy, engaging, and realistic expression makes this essay on a rainy day in winter for class 12 with quotations

a perfect fit for 12-grade exams.

Text: Essay on a Rainy Day in Winter for Class 12 with Quotations

“A rainy day is the loveliest day when it comes to refreshing and breathing in nature.”

Our beloved homeland is in the tropical region of the earth, and it mostly consists of vast plains that are fit for cultivation. It is a great natural blessing that we enjoy four seasons in a year. Generally, the spring season is hailed as the most pleasant one. On the other hand, the summer season is usually very hard to bear. Talking about winter, it is usually dry, cold, and rough. Days are short and nights are long.

“Rainwater is an elixir that enlivens dead seeds and the dying out vegetation.”

The heat and cold generally change the direction of the winds. This process is called the monsoon. Summer monsoons in our area are extremely wet, while the winter monsoon has a little rain. In winter, the usual months of rain are December and January. This is also the sowing season of wheat. The wheat crop is important because the poor and the rich all depend on this crop for their livelihood. The growth of this crop depends on the ample supply of water.

“The Monsoon deserves a warm welcome as it makes the entry with full pomp and dignity.”

In villages, farmers anxious look towards the sky and with the drizzle to come in time. A layman also wishes for the rain because dry weather brings with it so many health problems. Our water sources get reduced during these months and we offer prayers in mosques for rain. Under such circumstances, the rain proves to be a health-giving factor.

“The music produced by rain is the sweets of all melodies that nature can engender.”

As you might have noted, the rainy day in winter is entirely different from the one in summer. For example, in summer, the rain usually falls heavily, while in winter it falls in the form of a sweet-sounding drizzle. The raindrops look like beads and pearls. Vast stretches of clouds cover the sky, thus hiding the sun for many days.

Contrary to the scenes of merriment in summer, the light drizzle on a rainy day in winter mostly confines people to their homes. People stop outdoor activities and attendance in offices is very thin. Similarly, little children are not sent to school in the cold weather. People prefer to remain indoors in cozy beds whose warmth causes drowsiness and laziness. Meanwhile, the raindrops falling on the roof produce rhythmic music.

One great blessing of the rainy day in winter is that the members of the family love to sit together in one room. TV is on and tea is served regularly. Dry fruit tray becomes the center of attention of everyone. Elderly members of the family find this time suitable to relate past adventures. Various matters come under discussion and new planning is made.

Similarly, for an optimistic learner, a rainy day in winter brings several blessings. Unable to go out, he/she remains seated in his/her room before his books and keeps studying with attention. Outdoor games and sports are not possible and his/her time is saved in this way to. This is really the most suitable time for a student to prepare his/her lessons well.

“While ordinary students pass their pastime in all enjoyment, the wiser ones turn it into a worthwhile activity.”

Looking at its dark aspect, the rainy day in winter brings so many problems for a poor man. A man who earns his bread on daily basis finds it very difficult to get work – i.e., get hired for services – on a rainy day. Most of the time, he becomes gloomy to see clouds in winter. He knows it very well that the rain once started will continue for several hours or even days. Under such circumstances, no work is possible.

“A rain day is all that you think of it to be. It is a boon for some while a bane for others.”

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