450+ Logically Explained English MCQs for Class 10 with Answers

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450+ English MCQs for Class 10 with Answers

Truly catering to all your English examination needs for a Secondary School Certificate (SSC) or matriculation, the 450+ English MCQs for class 10 with answers cover all the aspects of your English objective question.

For further help, you might like to consult High School English Grammar and Composition.

There are four types of multiple-choice questions included among the English MCQs for class 10 in the examination. They are:

  • Part I: Correct use/form of verb
  • Part II: Spelling
  • Part III: Synonyms and antonyms
  • Part IV: Grammar

Accordingly, four kinds of English MCQs for 10th class are included in the English objective paper, each pertaining to one of the above listed categories. They are:

  1. Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles. (Correct use/form of verb)
  2. Choose the words with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles. (Spelling)
  3. Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles. (Synonyms and antonyms)
  4. Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles. (Grammar)

Top 10 Reasons to Study 450+ English MCQs for Class 10 with Answers

  1. Valid, reliable, well-structured MCQs
  2. Optimized for smart effort and maximized productivity
  3. Quick and easy to learn, and time saving
  4. Precisely corresponding to the students’ level and abilities
  5. Comprehensively catering to all the aspects of SSC English exam
  6. Divided in to 4 sections depending on the skill to be measured
  7. Learning and practice go side by side
  8. Based on 4 options (a, b, c, d) format
  9. Each MCQ immediately followed by the correct answer
  10. Each answer explained with a solid semantic/syntactic reason

Part I: Choose the correct form of verb. (English MCQs for Class 10 with Answers)

1. He ___ to school everyday.

AجاناBگیاCجا چکاDجاتا ہے

Answer: (D) goes

Reason: Here the word “everyday” suggests that the sentence may be used to express a routine activity in the present, past, or future tenses. While the future and past options are absent, we will have to make an appropriate choice for the present. In option (A), the verb does not agree with the subject, i.e., the personal pronouns “he”, “she”, and “it” take an s-form of the verb. Option (B) requires the use of a helping verb like “is”, “am”, “are”, “was”, or “were”. Similarly, the option (C) also requires the use of a helping verb like “has”, “have”, or “had”. So, the option (D) is the most suitable one.

Did you know?

We applied the “rule of exclusion” to solve this multiple-choice question. This rule implies that the irrelevant options must be excluded to reach the correct answer.

2. I have already ____ three cups of coffee. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)  

ATakeBTookCTakenDHad taken
A لینا (پینا)Bلیا (پیا)Cلے چکا (پی چکا)Dلے چکا تھا (پی چکا تھا)

Answer: (C) taken

Reason: The auxiliary “have” is either used alone or it takes past participle to make the perfect aspect of any tense. So, “taken” (c) is the best answer.

3. Good students always ____ hard.

AWorkBWorkedCHave workedDIs working
Aکام کرناBکام کیاCکام کرچکے ہیںDکام کر رہا ہے

Answer: (A) work

Reason: The sentence suggests a routine action in the present, past, or future. The past form “worked” could be used here, but it will be better to use “used to” for a past routine. So, “work” is the best answer here.

4. She ___ him back yesterday.

ASentBSendsCWill sendDGone
AبھیجاBبھیجتا ہےCبھیجے گاDجا چکا

Answer: (A) sent

Reason: The adverb of time “yesterday” suggests that the sentence should be in the past tense with the past form of the verb. That is why, the option “sent” is the best answer.

5. The sun ___ in the West. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

ASetBIs settingCSetsDSat
Aغروب ہوناBغروب ہو رہا ہےCغروب ہوتا ہےDغروب ہوا

Answer: (C) sets

Reason: The sentence is about the universal truth. So, the present tense should be used here. Moreover, as the subject is singular, the s-form of the verb will be used here. Therefore, “sets” is the best option.

6. They ____ for London tomorrow.

ALeaveBLeftCWill leaveDLeaving
Aچھوڑنا، روانہ ہوناBچھوڑ دیا، روانہ ہوئےCچھوڑ دیں گے، روانہ ہونگےDچھوڑ رہا، روانہ ہو رہا

Answer: (C) will leave

Reason: The adverb of time “tomorrow” suggests that the sentence will be in the future tense. So, “will leave” can be used to make the sentence in simple future.

7. The bus ___ before we stepped out.                                        

AHad stoppedBStopsCStopDWill stop
Aرک چکی تھیBرکتی ہےCرکناDرکے گی

Answer: (A) had stopped

Reason: There are two clauses in this sentence, each denoting an activity done in the past. We use distant past (past perfect) for an activity that occurred before another past action. “We stepped out” denotes a past action. Anything happening “before we stepped out” will go into distant past or past perfect. So, the best answer is option (A) or “had stopped”.

8. It ___ to rain an hour ago.

Aشروع کرناBشروع کرتا ہےCشروع ہو چکاDشروع ہوا

Answer: (D) began

Reason: The phrase “an hour ago” shows that the sentence is about a past activity. So, we shall use simple past – past form of the verb – in this situation. Therefore, option (D) “began” is the best answer.

9. I hope it ___ raining by the evening.

AWill has stoppedBWill stopCStoppedDHave stopped
Aرک چکی ہوگیBرکے گیCرک گئیDرک چکے ہیں

Answer: (B) will stop

Reason: The phrase “by the evening” suggests that something will continue in future and will stop when the evening approaches. So, simple past tense – option (B) “will stop” – will best suit here.

10. They ___ Pakistan before the end of the year. (English MCQs for 10th class with answers)

AWill be leftBWill leaveCIs leftDHas left
Aچھوٹ جائے گاBچھوڑیں گےCچھوٹ جاتا ہےDچھوڑ چکا ہے

Answer: (B) will leave

Reason: The option (A) does not semantically fit into the context, and, in the (C) and (D) options, the verb does not agree with its subject. So, the option (B) will be the best answer in this situation.

11. She _____ since morning.

ASleepBSleepsCSleptDHas been sleeping
AسوناBسوتی ہےCسوئیD(دیر) سے سورہی ہے

Answer: (D) has been sleeping

Reason: The phrase “since morning” suggests that the work has been going on in the past and it is still going on. When something started in the past, and it is still going on, we use combine the perfect and continuous aspects in a tense. The verb phrase “has been sleeping” denotes the perfect continuous aspect in present, so (D) is the best option.

12. She had left before the party ____.

ABeginBBegunCWill beginDBegan
Aشروع ہوتی ہےBشروع ہوئیCشروع ہوگیDشروع ہوئی

Answer: (D) began

Reason: In this sentence, something had happened before the occurrence of another one. In other words, when there is distant past (past perfect) in one clause, we will use near past (simple past) in the second one. So, option (D) began is correct.

13. She ____ left before the party began.

AReachesBReachedCReachDHad reached
Aپہنچتا ہےBپہنچاCپہنچناDپہنچ چکا تھا

Answer: (D) Had reached

Reason: In this sentence, something had happened before the occurrence of another one. In other words, when there is near past (simple past) accompanied by the conjunction “before” in one clause, we will use distant past (past perfect) in the second one. So, option (D) began is correct.

14. You ____ it.

AUnderstandsBWill not understandCUnderstandingDHas been understanding
Aسمجھتا ہےBنہیں سمجھے گاCسمجھ رہاD(دیر) سے سمجھ رہا ہے

Answer: (B) will not understand

Reason: Here the options (A), (C), and (D) create the issue of subject verb agreement. So, the option (B) will be the best answer here.

15. How long ago did you _____ here? (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

AComeBCameCHave comeDHad come
AآناBآئےCآچکے ہیںDآچکے تھے

Answer: (A) come

Reason: Two same forms do not come side by side in a single clause. While “did” is accomplishing the task of making past tense, we shall use base form of the verb next to it, i.e., in the blank. Therefore, option (A) come is correct here.

16. I am not ____ my time.

AWasteBWastedCWastingDHave wasted
Aضائع کرناBضائع کیاCضائع کر رہاDضائع کرچکا ہے

Answer: (C) wasting

Reason: In an active voice clause, the helping verbs like “is”, “am”, “are”, “was”, and “were” are used either alone or they take present participle (-ing) form with them. So, the option (C) is the best answer here.

17. They ___ their exercise by the time the teacher arrives.

AWroteBWritesCIs writingDWill have written
AلکھاBلکھتا ہےCلکھ رہا ہےDلکھ چکا ہوگا

Answer: (D) will have written

Reason: The presence of present form of the verb in this sentence rules out the use of past form (wrote). Similarly, the options (B) and (C) violate subject verb agreement. So, the option (D), indicating future tense will fit this grammatical situation.

18. She ____ taking this medicine by March next.

AStoppedBStopsCWill have stoppedDHad stopped
Aروک/چھوڑ دیاBروکتی/چھوڑتی ہےCروک/چھوڑ چکی ہوگیDروک/چھوڑچکی تھی

Answer: (C) will have stopped

Reason: The adverb phrase “by March next” suggests that a task will get completed by a specific time in future. So, the option (C), indicating “future perfect tense” will fit here.

19. Sehrish _____ a speech today.

AHad been makingBHad madeCIs makingDMake
A(تقریر) کیB(تقریر) کرتی ہےC(تقریر) کر رہی ہےD(تقریر) کرنا

Answer: (C) is making

Reason: The word “today” shows the action to be occurring at present. On the other hand, the options (A) and (B) indicate pastness. Similarly, the option (A) causes the violation of subject-verb agreement rules. So, the option (C) is the best answer here.

20. He ___ a speech five months ago. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

ADeliveredBHad deliveredCIs deliveringDHad delivered
A(تقریر) کیB(تقریر) کر چکی ہےC(تقریر) کر رہی ہےD(تقریر) کرچکی تھی

Answer: (A) delivered

Reason: The adverb phrase “five months ago” suggests that the sentence is in simple past. So, the option (A) will best suit here.

21. The book ____ on the table for many weeks.

ALieBHas been lyingCIs lyingDLying
Aلیٹنا، رکھا ہوناB (وقت) سے لیٹی، رکھی ہوئی ہےCلیٹی/رکھی ہوئی ہےDلیٹا/رکھاہونا

Answer: (B) has been lying

Reason: The adverb phrase “for many weeks” shows that certain action has been partly completed and it continues at the given moment. So, the option (B), i.e., present perfect continuous tense, will best fit this situation.

22. You ______ since morning.

ARestBWill restCRestedDHave been resting
Aآرام کرناBآرام کریں گےCآرام کیاD(وقت) سے آرام کر رہے ہیں

Answer: (D) have been resting

Reason: Here the adverb phrase “since” morning suggest that a task has been going prior to a certain point in time and it goes on at that given moment. So, the combination of perfect and continuous aspects will best fit in this context. An option of present perfect continuous tense (D) is there, which will be best answer here.

23. Are they _____ idle?

Aبیٹھا ہواBبیٹھناCبیٹھتا ہےDبیٹھا

Answer: (A) sitting

Reason: In an active voice clause, the auxiliary verbs like “is”, “am”, “are”, “was”, and “were” are used either alone or they take present participle (-ing) form with them. So, the option (A) is the best answer here.

24. They ____ their work by tomorrow.

ACompleteBCompletedCHas completedDWill have completed
Aمکمل کرناBمکمل کیاCمکمل کر چکا ہےDمکمل کر چکا ہوگا

Answer: (D) will have completed

Reason: The adverb phrase “by tomorrow” suggests that a task will get completed by a specific time in future. So, the option (D), indicating “future perfect tense” will fit here.

25. They ____ their work tomorrow. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

ACompleteBCompletedCWill completeDHave completed
Aمکمل کرناBمکمل کیاCمکمل کرے گاDمکمل کر چکے ہیں

Answer: (C) will complete

Reason: The adverb of time “tomorrow” indicates that the sentence should be in the future tense. Therefore, the option (C) is the correct answer here.

26. He ____ here since 1970.

AHad been comingBComesCCameDCome
Aآتا رہا تھاBآتا ہےCآیاDآنا

Answer: (A) had been coming

Reason: The adverb phrase of time “since 1970” shows that the sentence will have a combination of perfect and continuous aspects in any tense. The option (A) is in the past perfect continuous tense, so it will fit in this context.

27. He ____ to my letter.

ADo not replyBDid not replyCHave not repliedDAre not replying
Aجواب نہ دیناBجواب نہ دیاCجواب نہیں دے چکے ہیںDجواب نہیں دے رہے ہیں

Answer: (B) did not reply

Reason: Here the options (A), (C), and (D) create an issue of subject verb agreement. So, the only suitable option to fit this context is (B).

28. They ____ to sleep at ten.

AGoesBGoCShall goDIs going
Aجاتا ہےBجاناCجائے گاDجا رہا ہے

Answer: (B) go

Reason: Here the options (A), (C), and (D) create an issue of subject verb agreement. So, the only suitable option to fit this context is (B).

29. If the patient had taken medicine, he would have ______.

Aصحت یاب ہوناBصحت یاب ہواCصحت یاب ہوتا ہےDصحت یاب ہو رہا

Answer: (C) recovered

Reason: The auxiliary “have” and its inflections are used either alone or they take past participle (3rd form of the verb) after them. In this context, while we need to provide a verb after the “have” auxiliary, we will use past participle, i.e., option (C).

30. Let the door be _____. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

AکھولناBکھل رہاCکھل چکاDکھلتا ہے

Answer: (C) opened

Reason: The auxiliary “be” is used either alone or it requires present participle (in active clauses/sentences) or past participle (in passive voice). Here the use of let in combination with “be” suggests that the sentence is in passive voice, and it will require past participle (3rd form of the verb). So, option (C) is correct here.

31. The pen ____ by Hina.

AIs breakingBHas brokenCBrokenDIs broken
Aتوڑ رہا ہےBتوڑچکا ہےCتوڑچکا، ٹوٹا ہواDٹوٹ چکا ہے

Answer: (D) is broken

Reason: The prepositional phrase “by Hina” suggests that the sentence is in passive voice. So, the option “is broken” will best fit here.

32. Do you ____ a noise?

AبناناBبنایاCبناتا ہےDبنا رہا

Answer: (A) make

Reason: The auxiliary “do” and its inflections (did and does) take base form of the verb after them. So, the option (A) will be the suitable answer here.

33. Why do you ____ a noise?

AبناناBبنایاCبناتا ہےDبنا رہا

Answer: (D) make

Reason: The auxiliary “do” and its inflections (did and does) take base form of the verb after them. So, the option (D) will be the suitable answer here.

34. She ____ to school an hour ago.

A B C D 
Aجاتا ہےBجارہاCجاناDگیا

Answer: (D) went

Reason: The adverb phrase of time “an hour ago” shows that the sentence is about a past activity. So, we shall use simple past – past form of the verb – in this situation. Therefore, option (D) “went” is the best answer.

35. He does ________ exercise regularly. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

Aلیتا ہےBلیناCلے چکاDلے رہا

Answer: (b) take

Reason: “Does” always takes the base form of the verb immediately after it.

36. When is the school __________ ?

AInspectBInspectsCWill inspectDInspected
Aمعائنہ کرناBمعائنہ کرتا ہےCمعائنہ کرے گاDمعائنہ کیا گیا

Answer: (d) inspected

Reason: The present form “is” takes either present participle (-ing form) or past participle (in the case of passive voice) after it. To maintain semantic integrity, only past participle (inspected) will serve as the best option.

37. Mad dogs are _________ killed.

Aہو گیا/ ہو چکاBہر رہاCہوناDتھا

Answer: (b) being

Reason: The present form “are” takes either present participle (-ing form) or past participle (in the case of passive voice) immediately after it. To maintain semantic integrity, only present participle (being) will serve as the best option.

38. Rest is _______ at noon.

AلیناBلیاCلیا گیاDلیتا ہے

Answer: (c) Taken

Reason: The present form “is” takes either present participle (-ing form) or past participle (in the case of passive voice) after it. To maintain semantic integrity, only past participle (taken) will serve as the best option.

39. Elders present _____________ packets to unmarried members of the family.


Answer: (c) red

Reason: This MCQ is taken from Unit 2 “The Chinese New Year” of the 10th class English textbook. Based on information, provided in the lesson, ‘red’ – (c) option – is the correct and the best answer.

40. It ___ in winter. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

ARainsBWas rainCWill rainedDhas raining
Aبارش ہوتی ہےBبارش ہوئیCبارش ہوگیDبارش ہو رہی ہے

Answer: (A) rains

Reason: The options (B), (C) and (D) have inappropriate auxiliary + main verb combinations. The option (A) the best answer as it ensures the subject verb agreement.

41. It ___ in winter every year.   

ARainsBWas rainedChas rainDIs raining
Aبارش ہوتی ہےBبارش ہوئیCبارش ہوگیDبارش ہو رہی ہے

Answer: (A) rains

Reason: The adverb phrase “every year” suggests that the sentence must be in the simple tense of present, past or future. The option (A) can be used to make the simple present tense, so it is the correct answer.

42. He ____ in the sun for one hour.

AStandsBStoodCHas been standingDIs standing
Aکھڑا ہوتا ہےBکھڑا ہواCدیر سے کھڑا ہےDکھڑا ہے، کھڑا ہو رہا ہے

Answer: (C) has been standing

Reason: The adverb phrase of time “for an hour” shows that the sentence will have a combination of perfect and continuous aspects in any tense. The option (C) is in the past perfect continuous tense, so it will fit in this context.

43. How long ago ___ you come here? 

ADoBDidCDoesDIs doing
AکرناBکیاCکرتا ہےDکر رہا ہے

Answer: (B) did

Reason: The phrase “how long ago” suggests that the sentence should be in the past. And the only available option of past tense is (B). So, this is the correct answer.

44. He ___ to see me yesterday.             

AComeBComesCWill comeDCame
AآناBآتا ہےCآئے گاDآیا

Answer: (D) came

Reason: The word “yesterday” suggests that the sentence should be in the past. And the only available option of past tense is (D). So, this is the correct answer.

45. She __ him back. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

AHas sentBSendCHave sentDIs sent
Aبھیج چکا ہےBبھیجناCبھیج چکا ہےDبھیجا گیا ہے

Answer: (A) has sent

Reason: While the options (B), (C), and (D) create the issue of subject-verb agreement, the option (A) best fits the context. Therefore, it is the correct answer.

46. She has __ him back.

ASendBSentCSendsDIs sending
AبھیجناBبھیجاCبھیجتا ہےDبھیج رہا ہے

Answer: (B) sent

Reason: The auxiliary “have” and its inflections are used either alone or take past participle (3rd form of the verb) after them. So, “sent” (past participle) is the best answer here.

47. She __ the piano since 2 o’clock.

APlayBPlaysCPlayingDHas been playing
AکھیلناBکھیلتا ہےCکھیل رہا ہےDدیر سے کھیل رہا ہے

Answer: (D) has been playing

Reason: The adverb phrase of time “since 2 o’clock” shows that the sentence will have a combination of perfect and continuous aspects in any tense. The option (D) is in the present perfect continuous tense, so it will fit in this context.

48. The Quaid-e-Azam ___ very hard.

AWorkBWill workCWorkedDWorking
Aکام کرناBکام کرتا ہےCکام کیاDکام کر رہا

Answer: (C) worked

Reason: The options (A) and (D) involve the inaccurate use of verb. The option (B) raises semantic issue, as Quaid-e-Azam was a personality of the past. So, the option (C) – worked – will best fit into this context.

49. The court ____ its verdict on Monday next.

AGiveBGivesCWill giveDIs giving
AدیناBدیتا ہےCدے گاDدے رہا ہے

Answer: (C) will give

Reason: The phrase “on Monday next” indicates that the sentence is in the future tense. So, the option (C) will rightly fit into this context.

50. Waheed ____ his parents in the past. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

AObeyedBWill obeyCDoes not obeyDObey
Aحکم ماناBحکم مانے گاCحکم نہیں مانتاDحکم ماننا

Answer: (A) obeyed

Reason: The phrase “in the past” shows that the sentence should be in the past tense. So, the option “A” would be the right choice here.

51. The dog was _______ at night.

ABarkingBBarkCBarksDWill bark
Aبھونک رہاBبھونکناCبھونکتاہےDبھونکےگا

Answer: (a) barking

Reason: The auxiliary “be” and its inflections are used either alone or take present participle (-ing form of the verb) after them. So, (A) – barking – is the suitable answer here.

52. She ____ the paper then.

AWill be readingBReadsCHave readDWere reading
Aپڑھ رہا ہوگاBپڑھتاہےCپڑھ چکا ہےDپڑھ رہے تھے

Answer: (A) will be reading

Reason: Here the options (B), (C), and (D) create the issue of subject verb agreement. So, the only suitable answer is (A), i.e., will be reading.

53. She did not say anything before he ____.

ALeaveBLeavesCLeftDHad left

Answer: (D) had left

Reason: When two clauses in the past tense are joined by the conjunction “before”, one will have simple past and the other will have past perfect tense. So, the option (D), i.e., had left, is the correct answer here.

54. She ____ her work before the guests arrive.

AFinishBFinishesCWill have finishedDFinished
Aختم کرناBختم کرتا ہےCختم کرچکا ہوگاDختم کیا

Answer: (C) will have finished

Reason: When two clauses are joined by the conjunction “before” and the dependent clause is in the present tense, the independent clause will take future perfect tense. So, the option (C), i.e., will have finished, is the correct answer here.

55. All students ____ for prize. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

ACompetesBCompeteCCompetingDWill competed
Aمقابلہ کرتے ہیںBمقابلہ کرناC            مقابلہ کررہےDمقابلہ کیا

Answer: (B) compete

Reason: Here the options (A), (C), and (D) involves the issue of subject verb agreement. So, option (B) is the correct answer here.

56. The city was ___ during the storm.

AIs damagedBDamagedCWill damageDHas damaged
Aتقصان پہنچایا جاتا ہےBنقصان پہنچاCنقصان پہنچے گاDنقصان پہنچا چکا ہے

Answer: (B) damaged

Reason: In active voice sentences, the auxiliary “be” and inflections are used either alone or they take present participle after them. On the other hand, in the case of passive voice, the auxiliary “be” and its inflections take past participle. So, option (B) – damaged (past participle) – is the best answer here.

57. They always ___ back home late.

AIs comingBHas comeCare comeDCome
Aآرہا ہےBآچکا ہےCآچکا تھاDآنا

Answer: (D) come

Reason: Here the options (A), (B), and (C) create the issue of subject verb agreement. So, the option (D) is the right one to make the sentence in simple present.

58. I have already ___ the letter.

APostedBWill postCHas been postingDPost
Aپوسٹ کیاBپوسٹ کرے گاCدیر سے پوسٹ کر رہا ہےDپوسٹ کرنا

Answer: (A) posted

Reason: The auxiliary “have” and its inflections either used alone or they take past participle to make the perfect aspect of any tense. So, (A) – posted – is the best answer.

59. I (already) ___ the letter.

APostBPostsCHave postedDwas post
Aپوسٹ کرتا ہےBپوسٹ کرناCپوسٹ کرچکے ہیںDپوسٹ کرے گا

Answer: (C) have posted

Reason: The options (A), (B), and (D) create either subject-verb or verb-verb conflict. Secondly, the auxiliary “have” and its inflections are used either alone or they take past participle to make the perfect aspect of any tense. So, (C) – have posted – is the best answer.

60. I was so far from the stage that I ___ not see very well. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

Aسکا، سکتا تھاBچاہیےCگاDسکنا

Answer: (A) could

Reason: Here two clauses are joined by the conjunction “that”. One clause is in the simple past tense, so the other clause will also be in the simple past tense. So, the option (A) could is the correct answer here.

61. They will go to the party if they are ____.

Aدعوت دیناBمدعوکیے گئےCدعوت (نامہ)Dمدعو کررہا

Answer: (B) invited

62. The girls had been reading this book ___ ten days.                 

AسےBپہلےCکیلیےDکے بعد

Answer: (C) for

63. Will he have been ____?    

Aمعاف کیا گیاBمعاف کیاCمعاف کر رہےDمعاف کرنا

Answer: (A) forgiven

64. We would buy a house if we ___ to stay here.

AShall decideBDecideCHave decidedDDecided
Aفیصلہ کریں گےBفیصلہ کرناCفیصلہ کر چکے ہیںDفیصلہ کیا

Answer: (D) decided

65. She ____ her cat very much. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

ALovesBLovedCWill loveDLove
Aمحبت/پیار کرتا ہےBمحبت/پیار کیاCمحبت/پیار کرے گاDمحبت/پیار کرنا

Answer: (A) loves

66. After you ___ I went to sleep.

ALeftBHad leftCWill have leftDLeaves
Aچھوڑا، گئےBچھوڑچکے تھے، جاچکے تھےCچھوڑچکے ہونگےDچھوڑدیتا ہے

Answer: (B) had left

67. After you had left, I ___ to sleep.

AWill goBAm goingCWentDGo
Aجائے گاBجارہا ہوںCگیاDجانا

Answer: (C) went

68. The baby ___ for milk now.                

ACryBIs cryingCCriedDHas been crying
AروناBرورہا ہےCرویاDدیر سے رورہا ہے

Answer: (B) is crying

69. The baby ___ for milk last night.

ACriedBCriesCCryingDHad cried
AرویاBروتا ہےCرورہےDروچکے تھے

Answer: (A) cried

70. I ___ a cup of tea in the morning. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

AHavingBHasCWill haveDis having
Aرکھ رہا، پی رہاBرکھتا ہے، پیتا ہےCپیئے گاDرکھ رہا ہے، پی رہا ہے

Answer: (C) will have

71. The book ___ on the table for weeks.

AIs lyingBWill be lyingCHas been lyingDLay
Aرکھی ہوئی ہےBرکھی ہوئی ہوگیCدیر سے رکھی ہوئی ہےDرکھی

Answer: (C) has been lying

72. I ___ the house before it started raining.

AHad leftBLeftCWill leaveDWas leaving
Aجا چکا تھاBگیاCچھوڑے گا، جائے گاDچھوڑرہاتھا، جا رہا تھا

Answer: (A) had left

73. She ___ in this office for seven years.

AWorkBHas been workingCWorksDWorked
Aکام کرناBدیر سے کام کررہی ہےCکام کرتی ہےDکام کیا

Answer: (B) has been working

74. I __ to airport when I saw her.                          

AGoBGoesCWas goingDWent
AجاناBجاتا ہوںCجارہاتھاDگیا

Answer: (C) was going

75. I prefer ____ to going by bus. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

Aپیدل چلناBحرکت کرنا، حرکت کرتی ہوئیCجا رہاDآرہا

Answer: (A) walking

76. The earth ____ around the sun.

AHas revolvedBRevolvesCWas revolvingDBeen revolving
Aگردش کرچکی ہےBگردش کرتی ہےCگردش کررہی تھیDگردش کرتی رہی ہے

Answer: (B) revolves

77. Trust in God and ___ the right.

AکرناBکیاCکر رہاDکرچکا

Answer: (A) do

78. He will ___ from service next year.

ARetiringBRetireCRetiredDGoing to retire
Aریٹائر ہورہاBریٹائی ہوناCریٹائر ہواDریٹائر ہونے والا

Answer: (B) retire

79. I ____ take my meals at night.

ADid notBDoes notCDo notDWill not
Aنہیں کیاBنہیں کرتاCنہیں کرناDنہیں کرے گا

Answer: (C) do not

80. We did not ____ a sound. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

AسنناBسنتا ہےCسنی، سناDسن رہے

Answer: (A) hear

81. It _____ at present.

ARainsBRainCIs rainingDRained
Aبارش ہوتی ہےBبارش ہوناCبارش ہو رہی ہےDبارش ہوئی

Answer: (C) is raining

82. They _____ us to their home yesterday.

AWill inviteBInvitedCInviteDInviting
Aمدعوکریں گےBمدعوکیے گئےCمدعوکرناDمدعوکررہا

Answer: (B) invited

83. The candidates have _____ the paper.

Aحل کرناBحل کیاCحل کررہےDحل کرتا ہے

Answer: (B) solved

84. The candidates should _____ the paper.

ASolvedBSolveCSolvingDHave solved
Aحل کیاBحل کرناCحل کررہاDحل کرچکے ہیں

Answer: (B) solve

85. The sun _____ in the East. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

ARiseBHave risenCRisingDRises
AابھرناBابھرچکا ہےCابھررہاDابھرتا ہے

Answer: (D) rises

86. She _____ English at present.

ALearnBLearnsCLearntDIs learning
AسیکھناBسیکھتاہےCسیکھاDسیکھ رہا ہے

Answer: (D) is learning

87. She _____ English now.

AIs speakingBSpokeCSpeakDSpoken
Aبول رہی ہےBبولیCبولتی ہےDبول چکی

Answer: (A) is speaking

88. I _____ her in the plane.

AMetBMeetCMeetsDHave met
AملاBملناCملتاہےDمل چکا ہوں

Answer: (A) met

89. I _____ her in the plane yesterday.

AMetBMeetCMeetsDHave met
AملاBملناCملتا ہےDمل چکا ہوں

Answer: (A) met

90. The rainy season ______ in. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)    

ASetBSetsCSettingDHas set
Aشروع ہوناBشروع ہوتا ہےCشروع ہورہاDشروع ہو چکا ہے

Answer: (D) has set

91. I am ____ by the principal.

Aبلایا جارہاBبلایاCبلاتا ہےDبلانا

Answer: (B) Called

92. How long ____ you been working in the garden?

AگےBچکا ہےCچکے تھےDچکے ہیں

Answer: (D) have

93. I _____ him last year.

AMeetBMeetsCMetDHave met
AملناBملتاہےCملاDمل چکا ہوں

Answer: (C) met

94. Have you _______ your work?

Aختم کرناBختم کرتا ہےCختم ہوچکاDختم ہورہا

Answer: (C) finished

95. She is not _____ at the moment. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

Aمطالعہ کیاBمطالعہ کررہا ہےCمطالعہ کرتا ہےDمطالعہ کرنا

Answer: (B) studying

96. I ____ a book when the bell rang.

AAm readingBWas readingCReadDWill read
Aمطالعہ کررہا ہوںBمطالعہ کررہا تھاCپڑھناDپڑھے گا

Answer: (B) was reading

97. She ____ her examination by the next winter.

ATookBHas takenCTakesDWill have taken
A(امتحان) دیاB(امتحان) دے چکا ہےC(امتحان) دیتا ہےD(امتحان) دے چکا ہوگا

Answer: (D) will have taken

98. They have already ____ their home task.


Answer: (C) done

99. He ___ the tree daily.

ACutBWill cutCCutsDHas cut
AکاٹناBکاٹے گاCکاٹتا ہےDکاٹ چکا ہے

Answer: (C) cuts  

100. The boys ___ their home task. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

AIs doingBWas doingCAre doingDDoes
Aکر رہا ہےBکر رہا تھاCکر رہے ہیںDکرتا ہے

Answer: (C) are doing

101. She ____ hard for the competition.

AWill workBWorkCAre workingDHave worked
Aکام کرے گاBکام کرتا ہےCکام کررہے ہیںDکام کرچکے ہیں

Answer: (A) will work

102. I was going to airport when I ____ her.

ASeeBHad seenCSawDHas seen
AدیکھناBدیکھ چکا تھاCدیکھاDدیکھ چکا ہے

Answer: (C) saw

103. We should ____ our parents.

AObeyedBObeyCAre obeyingDHave obeyed
Aحکم ماناBحکم مانناCحکم مان رہےDحکم مان چکے ہیں

Answer: (B) obey

104. Will you not ___ it?

ADidBDoCHave doneDAre doing
AکیاBکرناCکرچکا ہےDکر رہے ہیں

Answer: (B) do

105. How long ago have you _____ here? (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

AComeBCameCHave comeDComes
AآناBآیاCآچکا ہےDآتا ہے

Answer: (A) come

106. Najma always ____ the truth.

ASpeakBSpeaksCHas spokenDSpeaking
AبولناBبولتا ہےCبول چکا ہےDبول رہا

Answer: (B) speaks

107. I ____ him next Monday.

ASawBSeeCSeesDShall see
AدیکھاBدیکھناCدیکھتا ہےDدیکھے گا

Answer: (D) shall see

108. It _____ since last night.

ARainedBRainsCHad been rainingDRaining
Aبارش ہوئیBبارش ہوتی ہےC(وقت) سے بارش ہو رہی تھیDبارش ہو رہی

Answer: (C) had been raining

109. Have you ____ this book?

Aپڑھ رہاBسرخCپڑھتا ہےDپڑھنا

Answer: (D) read

110. She always ____ her pen. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

Aکھو دیناBکھودیتا ہےCکھوچکاDکھورہا

Answer: (B) loses

111. Have you ____ a car.

AKeptBKeepCBeing keptDKeeps
AرکھیBرکھناCرکھی جا رہیDرکھتا ہے

Answer: (A) kept

112. I can ____ this sum.

Aحل کرتا ہےBحل کیاCحل کررہاDحل کرنا

Answer: (D) solve

113. They took their breakfast after they ____ their hands.

AWashBHad washedCWashedDWashing
AدھوناBدھوچکا تھاCدھویاDدھورہا

Answer: (B) had washed

114. He has ____ his breakfast.

Aلیا، کھایاBلینا، کھاناCلے رہا، کھا رہاDلے چکا، کھاچکا

Answer: (D) taken

115. I ____ you since Monday. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

AShall seeBSawCSeeDHave not seen
Aملے گا، دیکھے گاBملا، دیکھاCملنا، دیکھناDنہیں ملا ہوں، نہیں دیکھا ہے

Answer: (D) have not seen

116. If he ______ the examination, he would get prize.

APassedBPassesCWill passDWould pass
Aپاس کرناBپاس کرتا ہےCپاس کرے گاDپاس کرے گا

Answer: (A) passed

117. Naushaba ____ by Khursheed.

AHelpedBIs helpedCWill helpDHelps
Aمدد کیBمدد کیا جاتا ہےCمدد کرے گاDمدد کرتا ہے

Answer: (B) is helped

118. He ____ twenty minutes ago.

ALeaveBWill leaveCLeftDHas left
Aچھوڑ جانا، چلا جاناBچھوڑدے گا، چلا جائے گاCچھوڑ دیا، چلا گیاDچھوڑ چکا ہے، جا چکا ہے

Answer: (C) left

119. They ____ to Lahore tomorrow.

AWill goBWentCHave goneDGo
Aجائے گاBگیاCجاچکا ہےDجانا

Answer: (A) will go

120. The match started after I ___ the playground. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

AHad leftBLeaveCHas leftDLeaving
Aجاچکا تھاBجاناCجاچکا ہےDجارہا

Answer: (A) had left

121. The fire ____ since night.

ABurnBHas been burningCBurningDHas burned
AجلناBجلتی رہے ہےCجل رہیDجل چکی ہے

Answer: (B) has been burning

122. He ___ to me since March.

AHas not spokenBHas been spokenCHas not been speakingDHad spoken
Aنہیں بولا ہےBبولا جا چکا ہےCنہیں بولتارہا ہےDبول چکا تھا

Answer: (C) has not been speaking

123. The girls are ____ net ball.

APlayedBPlayingCHas playedDHas been playing
AکھیلاBکھیل رہاCکھیل چکا ہےDکھیلتا رہا ہے

Answer: (B) playing

124. If he offers me a job, I ___ it.

AAcceptBWill acceptCWould acceptDWould have accepted
Aقبول کرناBقبول کروں گاCقبول کروں گاDقبول کرچکا ہوں گا

Answer: (B) will accept

125. How long have you been ____ here? (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

Aانتظار کرناBانتظار کیاCانتظار کرتا ہےDانتظار کر رہا

Answer: (D) waiting

126. They ____ tea every morning.

ADrinkBDrankCIs drinkingDHave drunk
Aپیتا ہےBپیتا تھاCپی رہا ہےDپی چکا ہے

Answer: (A) drink

127. She ____ English quite well.

ASpeakBWere speakingCSpeaksDWill spoke
Aبولتا ہےBبول رہے تھےCبولتا ہےDبولے گا

Answer: (C) speaks

128. It is ____.

ARainingBRainCRainsDHas rained
Aبارش ہو رہیBبارش ہوناCبارش ہوتی ہےDبارش ہو چکی ہے

Answer: (A) raining

129. I ___ the two books.

AHave readBHas readCIs readDWas read
Aپڑھ چکا ہوںBپڑھ چکا ہوںCپڑھی گئی ہےDپڑھی گئی تھی

Answer: (A) have read

130. He ____ a story the last day. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

Aبتاتا ہےBبتاتا تھاCبتا رہاDبتاتا ہے

Answer: (B) told

131. My father has ___ for Karachi.

Aجاتا ہے/چلاجاتا ہےBجارہا/چلاجارہاCگیا/چلاگیاDجاتا ہے/چلاجاتا ہے

Answer: (C) left

132. He ___ this book one month ago.

Aلکھتا ہےBلکھ رہاCلکھتا ہےDلکھا

Answer: (D) wrote

133. I ____ this motor bike only a month ago.

ABoughtBBuysCHas boughtDWill buy
AخریداBخریدتا ہےCخریدچکاہےDخریدےگا

Answer: (A) bought

134. I ___ this exercise in an hour’s time.

AWas finishedBShall finishCFinishingDAm finished
Aختم ہوگیاBختم ہوگاCختم کررہاDختم ہوچکاہوں

Answer: (b) shall finish

135. I am not ____. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)

Aجرمانہ ہوتا ہےBتلاش کرناCپایاگیاDجرمانہ کیا جاتا ہے

Answer: (d) fined

Part II: Choose the word with correct spellings. (English MCQs for Class 10 with Answers)

Prosperity PrasperityProsparityPrasparity
Technalogy  TecknologyTechnalagyTechnology
Temporary TamperaryTamparoryTempiriry
LengaugeLanguage LengauegLangeuge

Part III: Synonyms and Antonyms. (English MCQs for Class 10 with Answers)

  • The synonym of “persevere” is ____.
PersistGive upSurrenderRetain
  • The synonym of “reward” is ____.
  • The antonym of “mighty” is ____.
  • The antonym of “fail” is ____.
  • He devised the most “equitable” plan for the setting of the Black Stone. The underlined word means:
PrivilegedReasonable FavouriteBeloved
  • “He decided every case brought to him, by friend or “foe” with justice, without fear of favour.” The underlined word means:
  • Their “ancestors” killed a member of our family. The underlined word means:                                   
  •  “Prior to the first day of the New Year, it is customary for families to thoroughly clean their houses.” The underlined word means:
Preceding  FollowingSubsequentLater
  • Another popular custom is to hang up signs and posters on doors and windows with the Chines word fu written on them. The underlined word means:
  • First aid knowledge ranges from taking care of cuts to dealing with an unconscious “victim”. The underlined word means:  
  • But the point here is that it is not that “convenient”. The underlined word means:  
  • Though both of these mediums cover the news effectively, there are “distinct” differences in the way they do it. The underlined word means:
  • I am prepared to “excel” and make it much further in the years to come with my college education. The underlined word means:
 HighTo do extremely wellExaltedGreat
  • The last couple of years have been “a long bumpy ride” for me, as they have for everyone of my age. The underlined word means:  
Easy timeHard and challenging timeLeisure timeSuitable time
  • Everyone had a ___ on his or her face on the way home. Which connotation is more positive?
  • The synonym of “lovely” is ____. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)
Unattractive  BeautifulUglyDull
  • The synonym of “culprit” is ______.  
InnocentOffender HonestFair
  • The antonym of “abandon” is _______.
  • The antonym of “bright” is ____. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)
  • The “scope” of any field in terms of market demand should also be considered very seriously. The underlined word means:
ShortcomingRange of activitiesStrong feelingsWeakness
  • The man had been sent with other “convicts” to Australia. The underlined word means:
  • The most “vulnerable” will be population in developing countries. The underlined word means:
SecureFlourishingIn dangerSafe
  • Maintaining a sound and productive environment all over is “essential”. The underlined word means:
  • The comforts of books “defy” time, and break borders. The underlined word means:
Consider as sameBe problem for somebodyOpenly resist somethingThink to be equal
  • Which word means “to identify the nature of a problem, especially an illness”?                               
  • The synonym of “current” is _____. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)
  • The synonym of “solace” is:
  • The antonym of “suffering” is ______.
  • The antonym of “consume” is _____.   
  • And when the sun “comes out” after this rain shall stop. The underlined word means.  
  • But all of that is not its “core”. The underlined word means:
  • It made me feel _____. Which connotation is more negative?
  • Thorough cleaning reduces the risk of ____. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)
RashAllergyAntibioticInfection and tetanus
  • The developing positive outlook has given the author the motivation he needs to become ___.
  • The man had been sent with other “convicts” to Australia. The underlined words means:
  • There was “complete” silence. The underlined word means:
Partial HalfNothingFully
  • If we strive, ‘tis no “disgrace”. The underlined word means:
  • The antonym of “minor” is:
  • Television brings “laziness” in us. The underlined word means:
  • Which word means “to identify the nature of a problem especially an illness”?
  • All students ___ for prizes.
  • Maintaining a sound and productive environment all over is “essential”. The underlined word means:
  • Please listen ___ me.
  • She was glad ____ her success.
  • More than ____ percent of the world’s food supply comes from land.
  • He does not care ___ me. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)
  • The synonym of “appear” is ___.
  • The antonym of “win” is ___. 
  • The word “rich” is used as a _______.  
  • You and I work well together; ______ are a good team.
  • If __ appears, stop using the ointment. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)
  • Celebrations can “actually” last up to a month. The underlined word means:
UrgentGenerally In factClearly
  • We saw ____ animals in the zoo. Which connotation is more positive.  
  • They are faithful ___ her.                           
  • The synonym of equitable is _____.
  • She started “Delving” into this part. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)
  • The word “debris” means:
  • The synonym of “conquer” is:
  • Hanging up signs and posters on the doors and windows means _____.
Luck and happinessLove and sincerityCare and affectionSad and gloomy
  • Change the dressing at least _____.
WeeklyTwice a dayDailyMonthly
  • The word “critical” means:
  • They did not “mention” of my achievement. The underlined word means:
Speak ofPraiseDislikeLike
  • Some of the monkeys make ____ faces. Which connotation is more positive.
AmusingHilariousFool hardyBrave
  • The word “firm” means:
FastFamous  DefiniteFoolish
  • Motivation” means:
  • He is the “recipient” of many awards. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)
  • The synonym of “dressing” is ____.
Bandage GarmentsClothesBed sheet
  • “We” are a good team. The underlined word is a/an _____.
Relative pronounIndefinite pronounReflexive pronounPersonal pronoun
  • He worked hard because he did not wish to fail. It is a/an ______ sentence.
  • It has been raining since morning. What tense is it?
Present continuousPresent indefinitePresent perfect continuousPresent perfect
  • I have always disliked “smoking”. The underlined word is a/an ______. 
  • Might means ____.
  • The antonym of perfect is _______________.

Part IV: Grammar (English MCQs for Class 10 with Answers)

  • The accident was due to their “ruthlessness”. The underlined word is a/an ____ noun.
  • Our job is to keep the “audience” happy. The underlined word is a/an ____ noun.          
  • We have to take the bus ____ tomorrow morning.  
Early  EarlierEarliestSoon
  • We ____ our bottle, so we could use it again.  (English MCQs for 10th class with answers)
 CleaningCleanedCleanHave cleaned
  • Ali was impressed ____ Sarmad’s grades.
  • Last summer, we _____ many places.  
VisitedHad visitedHave visitedAre visiting
  • All students ____ for prizes. (English MCQs for matric with answers)
CompetesCompeteCompetingWas competing
  • Didn’t you see the sign? You ___ drive at more than 30 miles an hour.  
Must notShould notMay notHave not
  • You ____ find Lubna in the garden, but I doubt it.  
  • Someone” ate my cookies. The underlined word is a/an ____.  
Personal pronounRelative pronounIndefinite pronounDefinite pronoun
  • The watchman “blew” his whistle. The underlined word is a/an _____.                               
Intransitive verbTransitive verbRegular verbDi-transitive verb
  • I am afraid I cannot afford “to spend” too much money. The underlined part of the sentence is a/an ____.
GerundParticipleInfinitivePast participle
  • “Who” is the man at the door? The underlined word is a/an _____.
Indefinite PronounInterrogative pronounRelative pronounDefinite pronoun
  • A clever trick was played “successfully” by the cat. The underlined word is an adverb of ______.
  • Our practice “usually” starts at six o’clock. The underlined word is an adverb of ____.                                  
  • If he offers me a job, I ____ it. (English MCQs for matric with answers)
Will acceptWould acceptWould have acceptedWould had accepted
  • Yesterday at 5 o’clock I ____ apples.
Was eatingAteHad eatenHave eaten
  • By the time we got to the cinema, the film ____, so we missed the first five minutes.
Had startedHave startedStartedWas started
  • Flying above the lake” at this time of night seems a little dangerous. The underlined word is a/an ____.
Infinitive phraseGerund phrasePrepositional phraseAdverb phrase
  • They invited us to their home yesterday. What tense is it?                                          
Past indefinitePast perfectPast perfect continuousPast continuous
  • A new computer was bought by them. Choose the correct active voice.                               
They buy a new computer.They bought a new computer.They have bought a new computer.They had bought a new computer.
  • How long _____ you been working in the garden?
  • If he _____ more carefully, he would not cause an accident.
DroveDriveDrivenHave driven
  • I would have been glad if he ____ me in the hospital.
VisitVisitedHad visitedWas visiting
  • He had all the money in the world; ___ he was sad.
  • The man complained that there was no bread! The underlined part of the sentence is a/an ___.
Dependent clauseIndependent clauseRelative clauseSubordinate clause
  • The man complained that there was no bread! The underlined part of the sentence is a/an _____.
Dependent clauseIndependent clauseRelative clauseSubordinate clause
  •  “Because he was late”, he missed the first period. It is a _____ sentence.
Dependent clauseIndependent clauseMain clauseRelative clause
  • The room was full, so I had no place to sit. It is a _____ sentence.
  • My friend gave me the book. Choose the correct passive voice.
I have been given the book by my friend.I am given the book by my friend.I was given the book by my friend.I had been given the book by my friend.
  • I was grieved ___ his loss. (English MCQs for matric with answers)
  • I ate ___ sandwich. Which connotation is more negative.
  • He was accused ___ theft.
  • You must have pity ___ the poor. (English MCQs for matric with answers)
  • Does she always speak the truth? It is an _____ sentence.
  • I got to ball practice late, so I forgot to set my alarm.
Complex sentenceCompound sentenceImperative sentenceOptative sentence
  • Is “this” your book? The underlined word is the pronoun:
  • The “father” is ____ noun. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)
  • He is ashamed _____ his action.
  • There is no need to shout. “I” can hear you. The underlined word is _____ pronoun.
  • ____ I have no money, I cannot go for shopping.
  • You may go home as soon as your work is done.
Imperative sentenceOptative sentenceInterrogative sentenceComplex sentence
  • He lost his job ____ he was often late. (English MCQs for 10th class with answers)
  • The word “myself” is a/an _____ pronoun.
  • Why are you so sad? I have lost the pen ____ I bought this morning.
  • Maria fell over the cat. The underlined phrase is a/an ____.
Prepositional phraseGerund phrase Infinitive phraseNoun phrase
  • He is famous for his bravery. The underlined word is a/an ______.
  • Have you got anything _____ these poor women could take for their children?
  • Sarmad ate a lot of sweets. This tense is ____.
PresentPastFutureNone of these
  • Someone ate my cookies. The underlined word is a/an ______ pronoun.
  • She is not studying at the moment. This is a ____ sentence.
  • The man ______ you were talking to at the meeting is my cousin. Choose the correct relative pronoun.
  • Choose the appropriate conjunction. ______ it was hot, he was wearing a coat.
  • He drinks milk. The underlined word is a noun.  (English MCQs for matric with answers)
  • Who is the man at the door? The underlined word is a/an ______.
Relative pronounIndefinite pronounPersonal pronounInterrogative pronoun
  • The gang of robbers was arrested by the police. The underlined word is a/an ____.
Material nounConcrete nounProper nounCollective noun
  • He did not take good care of his pet. The underlined word is a/an ____.
Personal pronounRelative pronounReflexive pronounIndefinite pronoun
  • It is raining a lot here. What tense is it?
Present indefinitePresent perfectPresent continuousPast indefinite
  • We felt the plane shaking in the storm. The underlined word is a/an _____. 
  • You may be true but I am not sure. This is a _____ sentence.
  • Aslam is a good boy. This is a/an _____ sentence.
  • Is this your teacher’s book? The underlined word is a/an _____ pronoun.
  • Keep the balls in the basket. The underlined word is a/an ___. 
Concrete nounProper nounCollective nounAbstract noun
  • Waqar ______ with Nazish. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)
Do not agreeAgreeDoes not agreeWill be agree
  • It was ___ by the way she acted in the play.
AmusingAmusedWill amuseHas amused
  • He could not go home ______ he had no place to go. Choose the appropriate conjunction.
  • Lahore is a famous city. The underlined word is a _____ noun.
  • My family and I went to visit Murree last summer. Of all the summers I have had, I would say, this was the ________ summer ever.
GoodVery goodBestBetter
  • Do not tell a lie. What kind of sentence it is?
  • Always speak the truth. The underlined word is a/an _____ noun.
  • He hit the ball nicely. What kind of the adverb is the underlined word? 
Adverb of timeAdverb of mannerAdverb of placeAdverb of reason
  • Everybody has ____ own dreams and desire.
  • He acted as if he owned a car. the underlined word means? 
  • He has to _____ result. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)
AcceptedAcceptWill accept Accepting
  • She puts in much effort into her studies. The underlined word is a/an ____. 
Proper nounMaterial nounCollective nounAbstract noun
  • Hand me that hammer. The underlined word is a/an ______ pronoun.
Reflexive pronounDemonstrative pronounPersonal pronounIndefinite pronoun
  • Mehak is intending to go. The underlined part of the sentence is a/an _____. 
  • How long has he lived in Karachi? What tense is it?
Present indefinitePresent perfectPresent continuousPresent perfect continuous
  • I did not go to school because I was ill. This is a/an ______ sentence.
  • Identify the indefinite pronoun in these words.
  • I went to see what had happened. The underlined word is a/an _____. 
Noun clauseObjective clauseAdverb clauseMain clause
  • Behave elders politely. The underlined word is _____?
Adverb of placeAdverb of timeAdverb of mannerAdverb of frequency
  • Mother is the real face of God. The underlined word is a/an ____. 
Abstract nounCollective nounUncountable nounConcrete noun
  • _____ books are these? (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)
  • I do not like costly dress. The underlined word is _____.
  • She will have been crying since midnight.
Present continuousFuture perfectPast indefiniteFuture perfect continuous
  • Worst” is ____.
  • What did you bring for me? The tense used is _____.
Future indefinitePast indefinitePast perfectPresent perfect
  • Learn to love poor mankind. The underline word is _____.
InfinitiveGerundPresent participlePast participle
  • I like those who win the first prize. The underline word is a/an ______ pronoun. 
  • “Family” is ______ noun. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)
  • Who helps the poor? The correct voice is ____.
By whom are the poor helped?By whom the poor help?Whom the poor helped?By whom the poor are helped.
  • ______ book do you like?
  • Try Again is an inspiring poem. The underlined word is _____.
GerundInfinitivePast participlePresent participle
  • Learn to love poor humanity.
Compound sentenceNegative sentenceOptative sentenceImperative sentence
  • It will be raining. Tense used:
Future indefinitePast continuousFuture continuousPast indefinite
  • Sarmad ate a lot of sweets. The underlined word is _____ verb.
  • As a young trader, he earned good reputation. The underlined part is: 
Noun phrasePrepositional phraseAdjective phraseInfinitive
  • He is poor but he has ego. The underlined sentence is a/an _____.
  • What were you thinking? The tense used is ____.
Past indefinitePast continuousPast perfectPast perfect continuous
  • If he invites me, I’ll go there. This tense is _____.
SimpleFirst conditionalSecond conditionalThird conditional
  • Everybody enjoys a good movie. The underlined word is a/an _____ pronoun. 
  • Elders present _____________ packets to unmarried members of the family. 
  • Growth of population is causing serious ________.
IssuesProblemsSet backQuestions
  • The main character is ____________. (English MCQs for class 10 with answers)
PrisonerPipJoeInsurance agent
  • Books are a source _________ comfort for us.

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